Friday Evening political news discussion shows 12/7/07
I watched McLaughlin Group and Washington Week in Review this evening. I do really like the McLaughlin Group. I less like Gwen Iffel. I guess that is because I see her as someone from PBS, minority, who ought to be more "liberal" than she is. I guess I like McLaughlin because he used to be considered to be so conservative, and now he isn't always that way.
Interestingly, both shows lead off their discussions on the subject of Mitt Romney and his so-called speech on clarifying the role that Mormonism will play in his presidency, should he get that far. (he won't). But the fact that both shows lead off with that does say something. The responses from the participants ranged from stating that it was a great speech to the fact that he didn't mention Mormonism's racist history.
I don't think Romney did anything to help himself. He's toast. It isn't so much because of his religion, although I think it is now after his speech, but it's because of his starched, pressed personality. He's so contrived. He may not want to be, but he is. He may be a great guy, but he isn't presidential material, at least in my thoughts. He may not be a great guy, also.
Romney said at point in his speech that basically freedom and religion were dependent on each other. Certainly the ability to practice religious beliefs publicly is dependent on political freedoms, but I don't see how political freedoms are dependent on religion.
In another interesting point of conversation, the shows discussed whether or not Bill Clinton is helping Hillary out on the stump. They showed some clips of Bill bitching about the mainstream media. Mainstream media doesn't like someone that has been made famous by the mainstream media turning around and bitching about them. I think Bill Clinton helps and hurts Hillary, but I think that he probably hurts her more in the long run than helps.
One interesting interpretation of the Clinton's relationship came from the McLaughlin Group. One of the female participants said that Bill is out to destroy Hillary's campaign because he didn't want Hillary to become president because he wanted that distinction in their relationship. Who knows? But it is an interesting theory.
I don't know who is going to end up as the Republican candidate for president. Maybe Ron Paul? They could certainly do worse. (don't take that as an endorsement, just an observation.)