Tidbits of the Day: Interest Rates, Presidential Race, Maiden Alley and Heather Ryan
The Federal Reserve cheapened our money again today. Why are they doing this? We want our money more valuable, not less. How about a law that says that at least one out of every three devaluations of our currency has to be subject to a vote of the people? Is that so radical? After all, devaluing our currency without a vote is, for all practical purposes, "taxation without representation." Our forefathers taught us well about that! I'd just like someone to answer me how, if too much debt is the problem, the answer is to make it easier to go in debt?
John Edwards dropped out of the race for the nomination of the Democratic party for presidential candidate. It was becoming clearer that he could not compete against the combined momentum of either the first woman or first African American presidential candidate. But John Edwards ran a great campaign, and he has convinced me that he truly cares about the plight of the workers and poor in the U.S.
He did not endorse Obama or Clinton, but I think he should endorse Obama. If he really thinks we need more change, Obama will deliver it more than Clinton, I think. If he does not endorse Obama, I hope he will stay neutral. As I wrote many weeks ago, he is a great candidate for Attorney General, and, with a Senate bolstered by some Democratic pickups, he could get confirmed. But, and I don't know about anyone else, but a Hillary - McCain election for president seems pretty depressing to me.
Well, I emailed the Secretary of the board of the Maiden Alley Cinema and asked him some questions about what McConnell was doing at the Maiden Alley. I sent him the link to my previous column. I haven't heard anything back. Heather Ryan, in the meantime, has filed to run for Congress as a Democrat against Ed Whitfield. I heard a statement from her this morning on WKMS-FM, the NPR affiliate for West Kentucky about the issues in the campaign. She spoke very well. She was articulate, knowledgable, and as far as I'm concerned, right on concerning the issues. In the wake of Ryan's announcement, and meeting the end of the filing period, Greg Pruitt, Judge Executive of Hickman County was being talked about as entering the race. Pruitt, who has some political experience in the region, might actually have a chance to take on Whitfield. Whitfield has too much to bury Ryan, although I hope she stays in as long as she can. We need her voice in West Kentucky politics. But if Ryan moves the party to run a viable candidate, she has done the region a favor.