Hillary "wins" New Hampshire

Hillary wins a squeaker in the New Hampshire primary. In some ways, that isn't that surprising, but in the context of the mainstream media's coverage it is surprising. Less than a week ago, Hillary was way up in the polls in New Hampshire. Polls in the last couple days showing Obama surging apparently were wrong.

It was disappointing that Bill Clinton went so negative, calling Obama a "kid" and saying that Obama lies when he says that he was against the war from the beginning. The attack was so egregious that Donna Brazille said on TV that basically it was totally inappropriate for a former president to get into that kind of mud slinging, and that she was disgusted. It's really hard to know exactly what went on in the last few days in New Hampshire not being there. But obviously, people are very uncertain, and there may have been some race issues involved.

It may be that the economy is so bad that many people, remembering the good economy under the Clintons, think that they have the answers to recovering the economy. That may have trumped the newness of Obama. But nevertheless, Obama did receive a lot of votes and almost won. But, in the context of the moment, it is a huge victory for Hillary. Will it last?

Do we really want a McCain and Clinton choice for president? As Charlie Brown used to say...."Arrrggghhhhhh!"