Paulson's statement's today and the direction of the transition

Well Hank Paulson, Sec. of Treasury, said today that he had to change what the money congress appropriated to him for the "bailout" was spend on. What do you expect from a Bush administration? They have no credibility. I guess this comes back to congress for being so stupid as to believe Bush when he said something has to be done right now or the world would come crashing down. You would have thought that the dems would see thru it, but no...they give Bush 750 billion dollars to dole out to his favorite big money folks. Geez - and this is better government?

I'm with David Letterman when he said, "you think we can get (Obama) to start a little early?" But we need a congress that has a different attitude, and with so many dems elected, you'd think they would be ready and willing to take a different attitude. At this point, it's almost irrelevant whether or not Paulson has good points - the point is that he is taking advantage of congress, and that shouldn't be allowed. The country is looking for new leadership, not the same old sell out.

And Obama better take a message from this too. So far all we are seeing from him is the same old white people that helped get us into this mess. Let's have some new vision. This old guard stuff is boring and counter productive. It cuts against an image of reform. Let's get down to the working class level and get them into some influential positions. The old DC academic class is down and out and shouldn't be rewarded with all the big fancy influential jobs. I say throw the bums out and get some new people in there.