Sunday News Shows

I watched several news shows today. I missed all the NBC shows because WPSD was having their annual telethon. But I did watch Stephanopolous, Face the Nation, and the KET shows, along with McLaughlin Group on Friday. There wasn't alot new. Rahm Emanuel, Obama's new chief of staff, was on a couple times. He actually handled himself very well, I thought. While I still have questions about Emanuel and his dedication to peace (at one point, David Brooks made a joke about Emanuel possibly becoming peaceful), as someone who works as a personal assistant for another very powerful person, I decided that I am going to put aside the past and give Emanuel a chance to perform. A lot of people speak highly of him. 

War is not a good answer to societal's problems. I guess one can argue that it is sometimes necessary, particularly in defense. But as a belligerent, offensive move, it is definitely morally, socially, and legally offensive. I hope that Emanuel will come to see that.