Obama Cabinet

All in all, I can understand Obama's picks for cabinet, but I can't say that I agree with them all. Too many insiders for a "change" guy. Seems like warmed over Democratic politics in a way to me, but even so, it can't be worse than Bush, and has to be a lot better. 

But I'm not completely convinced that these Washington retreads, at least for the most part, are going to make the change we need. Maybe Obama is smarter than all of us and knows what it takes to get something done. But at this point is getting something done worthwhile if it isn't something that needs to be done?

I'm willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt until he's actually been in the saddle for awhile. But I'm not willing to give him a free ride regardless of the results. If he accomplishes little or nothing, then he needs to be held accountable for it. If he saves the world, then he needs all the accolades such an accomplishment should bring. 

But becoming a political icon isn't usually for those that try to please everyone. It's for those that have a conviction and carry it through the political process. For Obama, it's a little hard to tell what that conviction is, at least sometimes. But no doubt, he's head and shoulders more intelligent than Bush. But if he tries to outsmart himself with too much "even-handedness" when change is needed, he's going to fail as being the change agent. We'll see how good he is.