Roads and Bridges

I've joked over the years about those classic politicians, Sen. Roads and Rep. Bridges. And when the two of them sponsor a highway bill, it's the Roads/Bridges roads and bridges bill. It's the most tried and true investment of public money that people accept, at least for the most part. Is it our most urgent need?

I mean, Obama's people can't fault me for saying that Obama campaigned on change. I mean, every time he appeared he had it all over the place. Change, change, change. He could have been mistaken for a panhandler except for his nice suits and his entourage. Considering what we've had in politics since the beginning of the history of our country, for there to be "change" it's going to have to be significant. 

While there is a lot of political rhetoric that is based on BS about someone being a "Washington Insider," there is, nevertheless, a lot of truth in the assumption that someone who has been in Washington D.C. for a long time carries a lot of "insider" baggage. 

The way to change that is to pick people that have never been to Washington D.C., or something like that. Sure, Obama and his people can argue that they need people on the inside that know how the system works, and I don't disagree. But, how many? All, many, most, a few, a lot? 

Let's get some people from the working class who have no experience in government, but have managed their affairs well over the last couple decades. There's many of those, and I would be willing to bet that they would bring new perspective to the federal government, a perspective that would help. 

Obama's picks are heavy on the establishment and light on the new. That doesn't add up to change to me, sorry, it just doesn't, even though I really admire Obama and think he's very intelligent and will do good things for the country, or at least I hope he will. 

But I think that his fear of going outside the establishment is unfounded, and that he should follow his best instincts and go for change - real change. Now, as I have previously written, he may be a strong enough coach that he can take the same team and significantly improve the performance of the team. If so, that will be awesome and impressive. 

So I'll leave it at that. Over democrated, underchanged, and wondering. I will say one thing. There is no way, no how, no no no, that Obama is going to be worse than Bush in judgment. It's impossible. Bush has about the worst judgment because it's based on arrogance and a feeling of superiority. I don't think Obama has that same attitude. That's why his actions will at a minimum not cause us as much harm as Bush's have, and at a maximum, will lead us into a much better situation.