Bush gutting environmental regulations...anyone surprised
It is being widely reported in the mainstream media that Bush is gutting a wide variety of environmental regulations in his last days in office. This ranges from gutting the endangered species act to gutting the clean air and clean water acts.
Is anyone surprised? Well you shouldn't be. Bush has repeatedly proven that he cares only about his rich friends, none of which care about the environment. Yet, at this point in history, the environment is a critical issue. The American people have shown that they care about the environment also. So why should Bush, one of the most discredited and unpopular presidents in history, be allowed to slap the people in the face and make policies after the people have voted in a big change that locks in his unpopular policies? The fact is that he shouldn't be allowed to do that.
Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi, who said immediately after become speaker of the house, that impeaching Bush was off the table, sent the message to Bush that he wasn't under any kind of serious scrutiny. Now it is up to Obama to use his legal intellect to undo these Bush abominations. And, you know that if he doing this to the environment, he is doing it to civil rights, privacy, open government, and other issues.
But Bush gave good instruction in how to undo last minute presidential edicts when he first came into office. Obama can learn from that. The nation has spoken loud and clear through poll after poll and now the election. Bush's way of governing is discredited. We want real change, and Bush shouldn't be allowed to lock in policies that most don't want.