Obama and Hillary again

I didn't get a chance to write about the Sunday News shows. But mostly, they were talking about Obama and Clinton, and McCain Huckabee. The general consensus among the talking heads seems to be that if Obama runs the table on the smaller states and then takes one of the big three left - Ohio, Texas, or Pennsylvania, that he should get the nomination. If Hillary takes all of the three big states, then she may be able to rustle the nomination away.

But don't underestimate the political powers that be, the DLC folks, which is represented by Hillary at the moment. They will probably do whatever they need to do to stay in power. Hopefully, the party is smart enough as a whole not to let the machine steal the nomination from the new generation just to perpetuate the old power structures. If this is allowed, it could mean snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Today John Edwards has resurfaced. Apparently he is considering an endorsement. He also apparently met quietly with Hillary a few days ago, but word got out about his meeting with Obama today, and the media circus was so intense that they couldn't do the meeting. John Edwards just has to endorse Obama if he endorses anyone. His endorsement could help Obama overcome any attempts to hijack the nomination.

If Hillary loses the Potomac primary completely tomorrow, especially if it is by some of the broad margins that occurred in yesterday's primaries and caucuses, she should strongly consider dropping out of the race and letting Obama build his campaign with her support instead of opposition. Progress as a whole is more important than any individual.