Obama and the allegations that he is "muslim."

For months it has been reported that there has been a whisper campaign around the country that Barack Obama is actually a Muslim. Obama himself says that he prays to Jesus every night. The one bit of proof that the accusers show is that Obama's middle name is Hussein.

On "60 Minutes" last night, Hillary Clinton was questioned about this. No doubt about it folks, she fudged. I was watching. She would not come right out and say, "that's ridiculous." She said, "well, I have no reason not believe him..." and things like that. She fudged on it, leading the question on rather than putting it absolutely to rest. She can't get away with excuses like, "oh no, I wouldn't do that." It doesn't fly. She did it and she should be ashamed of herself.

The reason this is so bad is that it feeds into the christian/muslim divide. Already we are on the verge of all out global war between christians and muslims. To promote this kind of divide is unbecoming of the Democratic party. The Democratic party should be the "big tent" party. To be the location of a whisper campaign against the religion of Islam is not where the Democrats should be. That will not lead them to future larger and larger majorities. What will lead them to such majorities is being the party of inclusion.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting. I actually am not even going to try and call it. What's bad is if it is widely believed that Obama lost for some unscrupulous reason, the party that is now so excited and drawing new faces across the country, would shrink immediately and lose the excitement. That would be a shame.