Sens. Obama and Clinton to appear together in NH Friday

It has been widely reported that Senators Obama and Clinton will appear together on Friday at a campaign appearance in Unity, New Hampshire. That they chose a town called Unity in New Hampshire is no accident to be sure. New Hampshire could be a key state, and McCain is liked in New Hampshire and Obama could find it an uphill battle to take the state, even in today's political climate.

I think it's a try-out for Sen. Clinton as a running mate. Apparently hubby Bill is not going to be with them. I predict that the response to them together is going to be overwhelming and just add to the obvious pressure to add her to the ticket. Although I know that a lot of pundits are saying that an Obama/Clinton ticket isn't going to happen, I'm still sticking by my prediction that it will happen. I may be wrong, but let's see what happens Friday. If it blows the audience meter off the scale, how can Obama argue with that?