1 Year Anniversary of Rural Thoughts: Poem, "Summertime, 2008"

by Kristi Hanson

The asparagus fern glissens in the morning sun, coated in last nights rain, twinkling in the slight breeze.

All of the day creatures are busy with their daily chores, as the racoons and other night creatures sleep.

Wasps by the hundreds fly along the eves of my house.
paper wasps making their nests.
Beautiful, delicate combs that hang on by a thread.
They roll up spiders, their favorite food for their young.

The day is drifting by,
beautiful air,
awaft with butterflys.

The plants grow before my eyes,
I try to see but miss so much.
Birds sing to each other very intent, saying, life is moving on, let's get with it, quick!
We must be moving on.