Bush, Georgia and Russia
Can you believe George W Bush? He has the gall to stand up in front of reporters and talk about the "brutality" of the Russians and how dare they invade a soverign country! Geez, as information comes out almost weekly which continues to confirm that Bush and Cheney knew that Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction yet they invaded anyway and continued to lie to the American people, Bush has become the world's figurehead of brutality and occupation. He has like zero credibility to be making these comments and Putin knows it.
Secondly, Bush has squandered our military and left us with no option to confront the Russians other than all out nuclear war. If we resorted to that, we would lose what modicum of support we still have from the European Union and the rest of the world. So, for the most part, we are helpless to do anything about Russia's actions. And Putin knows it.
Third, one has to wonder if Bush and Cheney didn't know and agree with Georgia's military actions against Russia. How dumb were they? Or is it just suicidal tendancies? What are these people trying to do, get us into world war 3? (or is it 4 by now?)
Georgia, however, got suckered into sending troops to Iraq, thinking that by doing so, they could count us if they needed military help. Not so fast Georgia. But come on, Mr. Saakasvili, or whatever his name is, president of Georgia, had to know that he was, as one commentator put it, "putting his hand in the lion's cage." But, if you do that, don't be surprised if it gets bit off, and it did in this case.
Congress needs a full, open hearing on what happened here and to what extent the U.S. was involved. Also, perhaps, just as we were a little premature in our "Mission Accomplished" ceremony that Bush held on the aircraft carrier, maybe all these years of talk about how we won the cold war and how Russia has been reduced and we are now the only superpower in the world were a little premature also. But that's our biggest flaw as a society - we can't see anymore than a few minutes into the future, let alone decades.