Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson thus far
Clearly ABC News is milking the first Palin interview. I watched it on the evening news, and have seen it replayed more than once. I didn't find it particularly impressive, but I'm not surprised about that. But truthfully, the "Bush Doctrine" screw up wasn't one of the parts of the interview that really got me. The aggressive military talk against Russia and Iran, and her babbling about climate change and global warming came off to me as ranging from truly frightening to typical political sidestepping.
Her talk about climate change being "potentially" "partly" "caused by man, but also part of some normal "cycle" just seemed to me to be total neo-con political doubletalk. It has no connection to the truth, and it is obvious to me that she knows little about the details of climate change.
That someone like Palin might actually be the person making the final decision about attacking Russia or Iran is frightening. She is self-absorbed, totally non-humble, and full of herself. Franklin Roosevelt's theory of "speak softly and carry a big stick" is much more in our national interest than having this ultra-conservative novice puff up, pretend to be tough, and needlessly get us into more and more military conflicts that we can't win and will eventually drag us down even more. Confidence is good, but ego and disproportionate self confidence to one's abilities are not good traits, and this is the feeling that I get from Palin.
We'll see what happens in the rest of the interview.