McCain blames Obama and the Dems?
McCain, already desperate and looking for anything he can say, whether it is true or not, to get a political edge, which he isn't getting, said today after the republicans failed to produce a majority to push thru the "bail out" bill and it failed, that it was Obama's fault because he and the Dems were too partisan.
But that logic is flawed. The Dems have a fool proof majority in the House. They c ould pass their own bill without even involving the republicans if they wanted. Yeah, the fact that the Dems were at least as much interested in political cover in doing the "right thing," shows that there is blame to go around. But the fact is that the Dems could have, and probably will now, pass their own bill with a strict Democratic majority. That passage is probably going to cause the stock market to go up. Then, the Senate republicans will have to decide whether or not they want to be seen filibustering a bill that, upon announcement of their filibuster, will cause the stock market to go down even more. I'm glad I'm not a republican in congress.
Obama, in the meanwhile, called for "calm." Yeah right. But his call for calm was reassuring compared to McCain continued overly harsh rhetoric. But my question to McCain is, why, when the Dems could have passed a bill without the republicans, can he call them overly partisan when they do everything they can to involve the republicans, but the rank and file republicans won't listen to their own leadership? It's just one more example of how McCain is saying anything to get elected. But I don't think people will buy it.
If I was the Democrats, I would, today, while Congress is off, be working out an alternative proposal that will pass the house by getting at least 12 of Dems that voted against it by strengthening assistance for working and middle class folks. I would then have Obama roll it out. It would at least give the appearance that there is some leadership somewhere - something really lacking right now.