Sunday News Shows
On this last day of January, 2010, I watched the news shows that I have available. They really keep us poor rural folk uneducated if they can.
Meet the Press had Axelrod and Boehner. Boring. The roundtable didn't really give me much either.
To the Contrary had an interesting discussion about why females get so few federal contracts. The conservative women tried to say that women just don't bother with it because of all the paperwork. That's a pathetic answer, especially from females.
Inside Washington had the best discussion of Obama challenging the Supreme Court decision on campaign finance. By now, anyone half awake knows that Alito shook his head and said "not true" when Obama said that the the decision would allow foreign corporations to influence U.S. elections through campaign contributions. I'm hearing some dispute of this, so I'm going to have to read the order I guess. I have to prepare my eyes for overglazing.
But Colby King, the African-American former banker turned journalist/TV talking head, who usually really supports Obama, said that it wasn't the right place to bring it up. Personally, I think Obama was cool to bring it up, because it's probably true, and Alito was ok to do his silent mouthing. Big deal. Alito is the one touting free speech with few limits, so he has to live with his creation. And if he can muster mouthing "not true" on camera, good for him. Heck, he is one of 9 in the country. But, as I have written before, this number of justices is way out of date and needs to be expanded badly.
I thought that Sandra O'Connor, former Reagan appointee supreme court justice, said it best. She said something to the effect that if you couldn't recognize the impacts of the influence of excessive money in the political process, it was like not noticing an alligator in your bathtub. So I think Alito is using his position for political purposes. I don't expect an objective judgment from him, or Roberts, to tell you the truth. They are political animals. And in this atmosphere, should we expect different?