Enough David Brooks

I watched the McLaughlin Group just a bit ago. I thought it was a pretty good show, not the best, but not bad. 

But I have to comment about David Brooks commentary about Obama releasing the torture memos. I have to disclose, for the sake of fairness, that I am pretty sick of the David Brooks overkill that we are forced to endure on our antennas. That said, I realize that he gets a lot of airplay for some reason. Who knows? Relatives in the business? It can't be because of his saavy insight, because he doesn't have it.

He was talking about how Obama had "flipped flopped" on whether he would endorse prosecuting anyone over the torture issue. And while I do think that Obama did cut a fine line, too close for comfort if you ask me, he never did say never. 

But Brooks tried to paint what Obama had said as some kind of huge pandering to the "left" of the party. What a joke. The left of the party is frustrated by Obama's refusal to go further left. 

Brooks is wrong when he postulates that a large percentage of the U.S. is going to be outraged if Obama allows honest investigations into Bush and his abuses. The overwhelming number of people want it. Brooks is just afraid, because he is so closely aligned with the Republican party, that the complete demise of that party, or even a significant decline beyond the current decline, is going to eventually land him in the position of many a U.S. citizen - unemployed. The sooner the better that he relates to what it is really like out here.

Why do we always have to hear David Brooks? Geez, I'm tired of him. He's old news. Let's get some new voices in there.