Newsweek's new format
Newsweek has a new format. It still has a lot of the same ol'same ol' regular stuff. When I sit down to look at the Newsweek, I look at the Conventional Wisdom first, and then the Dignity Index. Once I found the Conventional Wisdom, I did notice that Obama got a thumbs down. Wow! That's the first one isn't it, or have I failed to notice? And the Dignity index...Wanda Sykes made it mildly for her comments about Rush Limbaugh being the 20th hijacker on 911. They said that if Limbaugh had said that about Sykes, there would be a big uproar. Maybe so, but isn't justice sweet when it finally arrives! As we used to say as kids, "turnabout is fair play!"
The newest Newsweek is one called "Obama on Obama." While keeping my favorite parts of the mag, it has reformatted them into some kind of weirdness. Everything looks the same.
I don't think you can accuse me of being stuck in my thinking. I like to think outside the box. But, I can't understand how an institution like Newsweek decides on changing a long standing format, and changing it to what? All is does is confuse the readers.
The old format had a different layouts for the different sections. Now I don't know where I am. To me it was hard to find your way around. First impressions aren't always right, but my first impression wasn't that great.
If Newsweek really wanted to change, it could start by talking about how if we don't change the way we are doing things in this world, we are SOL. Nature is so much more powerful than us humans, and we are finding that out. I have no doubt this will continue. Shades of "Revelation?"
But Newsweek, for all the good that it provides, is just a big corporate entity that above all knows how not to go too far in challenging the corporate world. We've subscribed for years, but I'm not sure we are going to continue. Depends on the deal they cut with us - like giving us a year for a couple bucks or something like that.