Sunday News Shows
The news shows today were focused primarily on Arlen Specter and the Souter retirement. The flu outbreak had been reduced in importance, but was still discussed.
I already wrote about Specter. I hope that someone in the Democratic party challenges him good in the primary, because I think it would be in the Dems best interest to get him out of the picture. He's a political opportunist who isn't to be trusted.
And while Souter has become part of the "liberal" 4 of the Supreme Court, his replacement isn't exactly unwelcome to me. Souter is worst known for, at least recently, for upholding the expansive use of eminent domain to allow governments to take poor people's homes to give the land to powerful and rich corporations to turn it into money making land. That flies in the face of the "American Dream" to the extent that exists. So, while it isn't really a "good riddance" scenario, Obama should be able to replace with a better justice.
The discussion amongst the talking heads was whether or not he would pick someone from the left or right, and whether race and gender would play into the pick. According to the pundits, Obama will pick a woman with an African American mom, an hispanic dad, and is liberal. Not a bad idea. What he should do is just pick someone out of the working class that is totally separate from the big time D.C. scene. That's what we need, not more of the same academic, politically comprised crap that we've been getting. I'm tired of Supreme Court justices sitting in ivory towers totally unaware of what it is like to live like a normal working class person. And then, on top of that, they don't think we should even have access to the courts. Pox on them.
I'm not even going to comment on the "swine flu" thing except to say that Charles Krauthamer said that Obama's response to the swine flu would be his Katrina. What world is he living in? At least Obama is trying to do something. Bush sat by and let people suffer for many days needlessly. But then again, what do you expect from Krauthhamer. He's a foolish fool.