The Paducah Sun editorial stance

The Paducah Sun editorial staff continues to downplay and deny global warming and the impact of man's activities on the earth. Their attitude isn't just one of denial however, it's one of scorn. They attack and try to belittle those that say that it poses a real problem. 

It's amazing to me that considering in chronological order in our region we have had one of the latest freezes that I remember that defoliated pretty much fully leafed out trees, a very serious ice storm, a hurricane that strengthened over land and hit us with very powerful sustained winds, an ice storm that made the previous one look like child's play, an inland hurricane, and all kinds of serious and unusual weather events along the way, and the Paducah Sun acts like it isn't a big deal. 

The Sun's editorial department, the Sun being the flagship company of Paxton media, which has been able to accumulate a substantial economic media network using some kind of weird exception to the prohibition of one company owning too much media in one market, is an embarassment to our community. They write the most outrageous things that one can imagine. Maybe it's because Ann Coulter has roots in Paducah, I don't know. But, along with the bad labor relations, the horrible race relations, and the environmental problems at the gaseous diffusion plant, Calvert City, Westvaco and the coal fired power plants, it's no wonder that we aren't on the cutting edge of the economy.