Conway hits hard

I'm sticking by my thoughts that the republican advantage after the election won't be as much as some of the mainstream pundits are trying to make it. 

Let's take the Jack Conway/Rand Paul race in Kentucky. Conway just came out with this ad which goes after Paul's religion. Wow! That's almost taboo, but Conway went after it. I'm not surprised. If you were in or near Kentucky during the primary, you saw that during the last days of the primary campaign, Conway hit hard and dirty at his opponent Dan Mongiardo, the current Lt. Governor. And, he made up a several percent deficit in the last few days doing that. 

You know if he will hit hard against a fellow democrat, that he will hit hard against a republican - even harder. But hey, with Karl Rove spending millions with his "Crossroads" organization attacking Conway and other democrat candidates, can you blame Conway for hitting back with everything he's got? One thing you can say for Conway is that he plays to win. It's a dirty, ugly game, but in this climate, to hear Paul belly ache about it is a little disingenuous.

Paul rails against big government, but he will sit by and let Rove and his ilk spend untold, unaccounted for millions on his behalf. That's hypocricy if you ask me. 

But if Conway wants to put this race away right now, he needs to respond to the Rove ads that he gave particular utilities that he is supposed to regulate a free ride to raise their rates when he could have stopped them at the same time that he was reaping large dividends from their stock. There are a lot of potential details of that which could change the entire story, and knowing Rove and his tactics, it probably is not true as Rove is trying to tell it. 

Nevertheless, Conway should repond to this ad, and he is running out of time. I think if he crafts a good response to this, he is pretty sure to win. Without a response, he still may win because of Rand Paul's lousy campaign, but it will be closer.