Sunday, July 18, 2010, a day of News

Today I lost my boss, and my and Kristi's friend, art associate, and a great inspiration, Sarah Roush. Cancer finally took her body, but not nearly as quickly as it thought it would, and not before she graced the world with years of extraordinary artwork. I know that Sarah wants me and all her other friends to carry on with our work. She was a woman of work, who loved to work and create. And create she did, wonderful things. You can see some of her work at her website,

But, I did watch the news shows today, and in honor of Sarah's awareness of and interest in politics, current events, and world affairs, I'm going to go ahead and write this column, even though it is a little difficult for me to write. 

The biggest thing said in all of the news shows was a little blurb at the end of the McLaughlin Group, when they were doing predictions. Both Eleanor Clift and Pat Buchanan agreed that if Obama runs again in 2012, that he may swap Sec. of State Hillary Clinton with VP Joe Biden, and make Clinton the VP and Biden the Sec. of State. Wow, everyone there was amazed that this might actually be a potential. And I was too. But it isn't that unusual for Sec. of States to leave after one term because the job is so demanding. So who knows. Might work.

The second most interesting thing was when David Gregory asked the republicans on his congressional panel what, when they kept harping on the deficit, they would cut, that their people never would mention one thing. They are such hypocrites. 

Then the next interesting thing was how much airplay the NAACP's resolution asking the Tea Party movement to disavow the racist elements in their ranks got on the shows. And no one could really deny that there are such elements. I mean, there is plenty of photos and videos out there showing the racists stuff at Tea Party rallies. The NAACP really got it right apparently, because they are getting the maximum effect out of their action. And it appears that the republicans are writing off the black vote completely. And, it appears they are writing off the hispanic vote too. 

And in that context, they were there boasting about how many seats they are going to pick up and how they are going to regain the majority in both houses. We'll see. I have been predicting for months that won't happen and that losses will be a lot less than expected now. I stand by that.

Of course, there was talk about Obama popularity, and whether or not he will campaign for congressional races. And Pelosi's irritation, rightly so, with Obama's press secretary Gibbs, who is pretty much a jerk and who said that the republicans may take the house in an off the cuff comment, got mentioned a few times. I think Pelosi was right to distance herself from Gibbs, and Obama should take notice and reign in Gibbs. He just comes off as arrogant, and that isn't good. 

Sure, the democrats aren't much good, but the republicans are worse. I think the majority of people believe that or something like that.