Wikileaks and the wars
I am tired and hot and want to go lay down, but I do want to write my thoughts about wikileaks and the publishing of the all the Afghanistan war documents and the poll in yesterday's USA Today about how the country's support for the war in Afghanistan is slipping.
My support for the war in Afghanistan slipped a long time ago. While we may have been justified early on after the 911 attacks to go in and capture Bin Laden and Al Zawari and bring them back to the US for trial, we didn't do that. For some strange reason that the American people need a real explanation for, we didn't go after Bin Laden and his ilk. Instead, we have gotten bogged down in a nation changing/building war that hasn't gone well - like they often don't.
Obama had a chance to fix that. In fact, he bragged during the campaign that he was going to capture Bin Laden, but he hasn't. Instead, he has escalated the less than prudent occupation of the country. No doubt, the women of Afghanistan deserve our help, but is the best way to help them to occupy the country breeding resentment across the general population?
When Wikileaks first started, I got on their mass email list. I didn't ask to be on it, it just came. I guess they bought email lists from who knows who. When you have the same email address for a long time, like me, it gets around. I just thought it was another kinda fringe thing that didn't have a lot of relevance. But Assuange, or whatever his name is, is a very strong and clever person, and I underestimated him.
I haven't had a chance to even log onto his site. I don't know what is exposed except thru news stories. But, I have to say, that I have always been a staunch supporter of open government. I think when governments are allowed to operate in secrecy, the worst comes out. So my gut reaction is to not condemn his actions, especially right off the bat. But the world is complicated now. Who knows if he is "friend" or "foe." I wouldn't be happy to find out that he is out to bring the U.S. down. But I doubt if releasing these documents automatically indicates that. He may just abhor war, like me, and be willing to do almost anything to stop it.
Obama has done a lot of good things since he got in. His decisions on Afghanistan have been among his worst decisions - along with making Gibbs his press secretary. But it's not to late to learn and turn things around. Let's hope he does. Oh, BTW, happy birthday Barak. It's also the birthday of my recently late former boss, Sarah Roush. We had a great two person art show several years ago on this date, which lead to the creation of the Paducah Wastelanders art group. www. . So this date is very special to me.