Sunday News Shows

I watched a number of Sunday news shows today. As usual, there were several themes. One of the themes was the confirmation of Kagan. Yawn. As I wrote a long time ago, she was a shoo-in from the beginning. 

It seemed that most of the pundits thought that the democrats are continuing to dig into a hole that is going to be hard to get out of by November. First, the unemployment news wasn’t good for Obama earlier in the week. Then, there is the Charles Rangel ethics investigation, which gives the republicans some ammunition to further hammer the dems about their ethics, although, as a couple pointed out, it’s a Pelosi congress that is doing it. Thus, she can argue that she is “draining the swamp” of corruption in DC because she’s taking on the powerful in her own party. And it was pointed out that Rangel backed Hillary Clinton in the dems presidential primary over Obama. Of course, she was the senator from his home state, but nevertheless, it could account in part for Obama sort of terse statement about Rangel that he hoped that Rangel could retire with dignity. We’ll see about that.

And then there is the matter of the judge in California overturning the ban on same-sex marriages on the grounds that it violates the U.S. constitution. Most of the pundits thought that this too favored the republicans, but I’m not so sure. One interesting exchange, maybe the most interesting of the day was between Colby King and Charles Krauthamer about the ruling. It came out that the judge was a Reagan appointee. You could tell that those conservative pundits really didn’t like that being said. It grated on them. Then King pointed out when Krauthamer was belly-aching about that horrible judge overturning a citizen referendum that if segregation were to have been put up for a referendum when the civil rights cases were being decided, that it probably would have been approved by a vote. The demographic of an African-American male arguing on behalf of gays against a white male is a bit of a turn around of conventional wisdom, and I was happy to see it. 

Then Sen. Lindsey Graham’s questioning whether the constitution shouldn’t be amended to somehow disallow certain people born in the U.S. from automatic citizenship was discussed. That is going to hurt the republicans in the long run. 

I still am sticking with my prediction that losses for the Dems will be less than anticipated by much of the mainstream media. I could be wrong, and the dems aren’t helping themselves a lot lately, although Obama’s newest driving soundbite is downright genius. First, of course, he said that the republicans had run the car into the ditch and now wanted the keys back so they could drive. Now he says that if you want to go forward in a car, you put it in “D” and if you want to go backward, you put it in “R.” Cute and effective. Isn’t politics fun?