The stock market hit "10,000" today and closed above it for the first time in a awhile. The pundits said it was a pychological barrier.
It's all about the interest rates. As long as people can't make much in interest bearing accounts, they will look for other ways. The stock market seemed pretty safe, considering that it had fallen to really low lows.
Combine that with all the cost cutting, i.e. layoffs, that many of the big companies did to be able to show positive earnings, and it creates a sort of surreal haze in which people start to believe that the stock market magic is back.
So people invest, the prices go up, and more people invest. Geez, if you can make 10% on your money when everyone else is making 2, then why not? Just have to remember not to get caught with the pants falling, and falling fast, like last time, not that long ago.
But you can't put a number on that. It's as soon as China and Japan say they are getting less interested in buying our Treasuries. The hope, I'm sure, is that they have already bought so many that their investment is too big to fail. That way, we can do what we want and they'll always bail us out.
Not so sure that is a smart attitude. And are companies that show earnings because they laid off a bunch of their workforce to reduce costs really healthy?
The minute Bernacke, or whomever may be in the Federal Reserve chair position, makes any noise about interest rates going up, the stock market is going to take a hit. For now, it's good to pump up people's confidence. But the minute interest rates start going up, which they will have to eventually, the economy is going to rock for awhile. This little uptick is not a full recovery.