Obama caves in a bit on the Gates racial profiling

Obama, pretty consistent with what I predicted, contacted the policeman that arrested Gates in Cambridge, and Gates himself. He did backtrack a bit and said that he hadn't used the right language when he said that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly." 

The fact is that the police, while they do have a difficult job a lot of the times, do make mistakes and human bias plays significantly into these mistakes. It is good when a high level official like the president calls them on it. Your home is supposed to be "sacred" and only subject to disruption by police for the most egregious of reasons. I agree that once it had been determined that Gates was in his own home, that he should have been left alone. And that belief comes from having experienced my home being violated by police in the worst way.

I guess Obama didn't have a choice. The mainstream media loves these kinds of controversies that are stir up trouble, and were saturating the waves with discussion of this. While it is good that the country gets more aware of racial profiling and how biases affect police behavior, it is a disservice to the public that the press got off of health care for this. Health care reform should be the issue of the moment. Hopefully the press will get back onto it.

I want Obama, Crowley (interesting that he has the same last name as Monica from McLaughlin Group, the conservative radical) and Gates to have that beer, and the mainstream media should interrupt their programs and broadcast every word said between them. That may very well do more to heal racial wounds in this country than most things.