Uranium Hexafluoride truck from Paducah apparently crashed in W. Virginia weeks ago, no coverage in Paducah

Today the CCNS, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, reported that on August 1, 2009, a truck carrying uranium hexafluoride from the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant had crashed due to debris on I-64 in West Virginia. Below is their report. Apparently the cylinder didn't leak and was returned to Paducah, according to the report. 

This hasn't been reported in Paducah at all. I contacted the Paducah Sun and they hadn't heard of it, so I forwarded the report. Hopefully they will report the facts of the matter. I'm sure that USEC just forgot to mention it. 

Here's the report:

Truck Carrying Uranium Hexafluoride Crashes in West Virginia
>On Saturday, August 1, a pickup truck crashed on
>Interstate 64 in West Virginia, covering the
>road with debris that led to the crash of a
>tractor trailer carrying 33,000 pounds of uranium hexafluoride, or UF6.
>David Fischer, 48, was driving the load of UF6,
>encased in a steel cylinder, from the United
>States Enrichment Corporation in Paducah,
>Kentucky to Portsmouth, Virginia, where it was
>scheduled to be shipped overseas.
>Fischer’s truck lost control and flipped on its
>side around midnight. Fischer escaped with minor
>injuries while the fuel tanks of his truck
>caught on fire. The fire decimated the vehicle,
>turning it into a smoldering pile of metal.
>The first volunteer fire departments to arrive
>on the scene did not have the necessary
>radiation detection equipment to determine if
>the cylinder was leaking. When they saw the
>radioactive plates on the truck they retreated
>and ordered the evacuation of nearby Sandstone,
>West Virginia. Shortly after 1 a.m.
>firefighters from Beckley, West Virginia arrived
>with the proper radiation detection equipment
>and took a series of readings, finding no
>elevated levels of radiation. The steel
>cylinder of UF6 was found to be intact and
>unharmed and was lifted onto a relief truck to
>be returned to
>Kentucky.  www.em.doe.gov/pdfs/EM_Update_Newsletter_08-14-09.pdf
>The Beckley firefighters were equipped with
>special training from the Department of Energy
>(DOE) Transportation Emergency Preparedness
>Program (TEPP), a program started in
>1990.  www.em.doe.gov/TEPPPages/TEPPHome.aspx
>The training program works with state, local and
>tribal officials to train emergency responders
>in dealing with radiological materials in
>accidents. Last year alone the program trained
>over 2,300 emergency responders around the country.
>The two-day training focuses on helping
>emergency responders understand the risks posed
>by radioactive materials and help them learn to
>proficiently use radiation detection
>equipment. The training gives emergency
>responders the information and ability to face
>accidents involving radioactive materials with
>more confidence. Lieutenant Bryan Trump, of the
>Beckley Fire Department, said, “We were a whole
>lot calmer than we would have been because we
>had been through the training, and we made better decisions.”
>The firefighters had been trained to look for
>certain hazards in order to better deal with
>accidents. For example, uranium hexafluoride,
>if it comes in contact with water, could create
>a hazardous chemical cloud. Knowing what they
>are dealing with allows emergency responders to
>manage radiological accidents much more
>capably. Ella McNeil, program manager for TEPP,
>said that the fire department’s response to the
>accident, “shows that the TEPP program is making
>a difference to the responder community when
>there is an accident involving radiological materials.”
>The TEPP program has done training in New
>Mexico, including a full-scale transportation
>exercise in Laguna in 2008 and through the DOE
>Carlsbad Field Office. CCNS encourages TEPP to
>conduct training for emergency responders,
>including volunteer fire departments, along the
>transportation routes to and from Los Alamos and
>Sandia National Laboratories.
>This has been the CCNS News Update. For more
>information about this or other nuclear safety
>issues, please visit our website at nuclearactive.org.