Sunday News Shows

I did watch the news shows last week but I couldn't write about it at home because of my computer absence. I watched again today, and of course, as one might imagine, the majority of the conversation was about the health care issue. There was some discussion about terrorism, Afghanistan, and the investigation into whether or not CIA officials crossed legal lines when they used "enhanced interrogation" methods.

I watched Obama's speech on Wednesday evening, and, like most people, admire his speech making ability. I thought that the republicans looked horrible with their unsupportive scowls. And, of course, the Joe Wilson outburst - "you lie" - has been all over the media. But I have to agree with one commentator I heard about on NPR that when the health care issue is being discussed, the two most important issues are being ignored. Those are, the food people eat and the environment. 

The average U.S. citizens' diets are horrible. And our environment is saturated with toxic substances - from PCBs to plutonium - which cause all kinds of health problems. Why isn't Obama talking about that in terms of cost cutting? That would do more than anything.

But, as I wrote many weeks ago, and it turns out I guess I am right, the republicans will not make political process just being against any health care reform. I guess after the Wilson outburst, they realized that. The tone of the republican statements today, even from the likes of Newt Gingrich, was much more reserved and open minded compared to what they have been saying on the media in the last weeks. Chuck Todd, on Meet the Press, mentioned the change in rhetoric. It seemed obvious to me. But it isn't going to be enough if all republicans vote against reform. 

I do think Obama made a big mistake saying that if there is even a dime over budget from the health care plan that he won't support it. That's crazy. He's usually so careful about making these gradiose political statements, but he fell into it. No one knows how much this is going to cost, but you can bet that it isn't going to contribute to a balanced budget, at least in the short run.

Obama's big trouble spot is Afghanistan. I was glad to hear that he is reviewing his policy. I find it interesting than several high profile media people are now coming out for withdrawing from Afghanistan. The first one that I read was last Friday from Neuhart's weekly column in his creation - USA Today. I was glad to read it. I find it totally ironic that the "anti-war" candidate, who can point to his anti - Iraq war stance from the beginning as the cornerstone of his successful campaign, now may be stuck with the tar baby of an unsuccessful Afghanistan war. I think he needs to find a way out.

The next few weeks are going to be facinating. Mark Shields predicted that the Senate will cave and adopt the House version of health care reform, which will include a "public option." I don't know. But I think there should be such an option. I'm just not confident that enough wimpy democrats will have the guts to support it.