spring bird update

I've been meaning to jot down the birds I've been hearing in time around this area, mostly at home. Since my last report, maybe a week ago, I did hear one scarlet tanager, but it was just passing through cause I didn't hear it again. We have had indigo buntings on our birdfeeder. I have heard a great crested flycatcher, common yellowthroat, black throated green warbler, red eyed vireo (once), tennessee warbler (once), and seen a number of swallows of various kinds driving around. We have had hummingbirds at our place for well over a week.

I hear regularly around our place white eyed vireo, parula, blue gray gnatcatcher, black throated green warbler, black and white warbler, whiporwill, and waterthrush. 

I have not heard any cuckoos, any wood or swainson's thrushes, no summer tanager, no eastern kingbirds, and a bunch of others that are probably around by now but I haven't crossed their paths. I'll try to keep writing this down for the record.

The white throated sparrows are starting to call more intensely. They start that and carry on with that for a couple weeks before they take off for their breeding group up north. I always hate to see them go, and am always happy when they show back up for the fall.