New Hampshire surprise?
The one surprise that came out of New Hampshire was how well Romney did in spite of the criticism that he came under for his "business" dealings, and his misstep of saying that "he liked firing people." He complained that his comment was taken out of context. Amazing, after what his campaign did totally taking Obama out of context to the point where Obama was actually quoting someone else, but they cut that out and presented it as Obama's quote. That's about as sleazy as you can get!
Romney was on the Today show this morning talking about how bringing up income distribution was a form of envy, which is a bad argument considering that most people in the US are of modest means. Kristi and I just looked at each other and said "Romney just doesn't get it, does he?"
Romney is going to really get hit in the next 10 days in South Carolina. If he can withstand that and win, he is going to sail to the nomination. We'll see. But who else do the republicans have?