Sunday Oct. 21, 2007 Sunday news show

There wasn't anything really earthshaking on the Sunday news shows that I watched.

The most interesting part was an interview with Stephanopolous and Joe Biden on the presidential campaign trail in Iowa. Biden comes off as knowledgable, caring, reasonable, and experienced. However, neither the polls nor the media treat him as a "top tier" candidate. I really don't see that changing, although, as he definitely touts, he is one of the most experienced candidates in foreign policy, and foreign policy is what is eating us up.

But, there is something about him, he kind of comes off as bragging or something, and he talks too much. He made some comments about how he realized as he went through his political years that he was not a Bobby Kennedy. OK, fair enough. But then he went on to say that he had ideas, insinuating that Bobby Kennedy didn't - was only an image. I think those words will come back to hurt him.

Biden made one comment today, though, that made my ears perk up. He said that he believed that the Senate's vote to designate a certain portion of the Iranian army as an official "terrorist" organization was a de facto authorization for Bush to use military force against them. As soon as he said it, I realized that he was right. I hadn't thought of that before. But, it's clear that this president will use any excuse, any thread of justification, any kind of explanation as to why he has the support of the country even when it is clear that he doesn't, to launch some disastrous military action. I think Cheney's comments of this afternoon bear this out.

Hillary and other Dems voted for this. Biden voted against it. You would think that Hillary and the other Dems that voted for it would have learned by now not to give Bush any wiggle room at all, yet they've done it. When Bush launches the attack, they will all be moaning, "that isn't what we thought he's do, he misued the authority!" Deja vue all over again!

Our country is being driven into ruin by the Iraq war. A military action on Iran will be magnitudes worse. How can our elected representatives let a person who wasn't even elected by a majority of the people do this AGAIN to our country?