Today, Oct. 2, 07

What a day today was. Everyday gets to be more and more of an amazing phenomenon in our country. I can't believe that Clarence Thomas actually had the gall to hawk his book on national TV, trying to take down Anita Hill while he did. How unbecoming of a Supreme Court justice. But I lost my respect for him when he vote in Bush v. Gore. The 5 justices responsible for putting Bush into office didn't care if everyone that was eligible to vote and wanted to got to vote and had their votes counted. What could be more fundamental to human rights and democracy? Either for a long time to come or forever the upreme Court's authority will be damaged for not sticking up for the rights of the individual voter.

Of course, some members of that court have disdain for the individual. They are on an ivory tower and their vision believes that lowly individual citizens as a rule shouldn't be able to take their grievances thru the judicial branch. They can find all kinds of ways, including amending the constitution while at the same time letting themselves be known as "strict constructionist," to keep individuals out of the judicial branch, even though the constitution opens the door for individual citizens to have access to the judicial branch.

I heard and saw some of the interviews of Thomas on the mainstream media. He seemed angry, almost incapable of controlling himself. And his trashing of Anita Hill was so lowdown. It saddens me that such a man with such strong feelings about such key subjects is on the Supreme Court. There is no way that he is looking at a lot of cases with an open mind.

But it was very ironic that it was today that the jury in the Isiah Thomas case found that sexual harassment had occurred. This was the highest profile black on black sexual harassment case since the Thomas/Hill controversy. Of course that case never went to a jury, but this one did. And look what happened. Talk about bad timing for Thomas. I bet he hopes this case comes to the Supreme Court so he (and the other 8 men out of 9 on the court) can overturn it.

Besides, even without this, Anita Hill, in her interviews, was calm, confident, but not the angry, overconfident jerk that Thomas was. Thomas may feel he got some overdue jabs in at Hill, all in all, it backfired on him and his legacy as not much more than a hard to believe irony has only been solidified. That he was the African American to take the place of Thurgood Marshall is the ultimate irony.

As far as the Blackwater head tesifying before Congress today, I just can hardly believe that our government is actually allowing, no not just allowing, but funding and using, private, mercenary soldiers to help fight our war in Iraq. If the war itself isn't bad enough, we have that on our conscience? Oh, I forgot, most Americans don't have a conscience when it comes to war. The entire Iraq thing just casts a pall across our nation. It's nearly impossible to be really happy. We need to end this war right now.