Obama, Hillary and drugs
Isn't it juicy that Hillary's main man in New Hampshire, the husband of the former Democratic Governor, had to resign because he decided to be the hatchet man for the Clinton campaign and try to smear Barak Obama on drug charges. I guess Hillary is trying to keep up with hubby Bill's record of putting more people, mostly African-American, on jail for drug charges, than any other president. Where's the mainstream media on that little contradiction - "America's first black president" who happen to incarcerate more blacks than any other president for what?
I think this is going to be a bad choice of attack by Hillary. First off, I have a pretty good idea of when Hillary grew up, went to high school, went to college, etc. I also know where she went to high school, and know some people that went to that same high school at the same time. Is Hillary willing to say that she never ever had a lil toke? Maybe she even dropped a lil acid? Would that be so surprising? It would be more surprising if she didn't.
A heck of a lot of people that age did "illegal" drugs. A lot probably aren't now. And, they have kids that they are raising that they don't want to get hooked on addictive drugs, which is a good thing. But, if the penalty for using at that age is disqualification from pursuing your career, regardless of the education you obtained and/or your level of skill in life and profession, then a lot of my generation wouldn't be where they are. And they know it, and don't want that past dredged up and held against them.
Hillary needs to come clean about her drug use, if any. Maybe she didn't use any, but I would be willing to bet that she smoked pot and maybe did some MDA or acid, coke or speed. It was everywhere, and I can't imagine that she wouldn't have tried it. For her campaign to try to smear Obama, after he admitted to it himself months ago, for his drug use during adolescence, is just downright unseemly.
I'm still not endorsing Mr. Obama, but I still think he's on his way to the presidency. And I still think he will be a much better president than present company.