Obama's speech on racism
I'm going to comment on the Obama race speech cause everyone else is and I thought he showed that is truly an intelligent man. But I think what I'm going to comment about is a little different than what the mainstreamers have commented about.
The mainstreamers have focused on whether or not he explained his relationship with the Rev. Wright well enough. It's so lame that it's laughable. These are all white guys that probably have never been in a black church, and don't have a clue about what reality is. And then they have the nerve to ask these assinine questions to Obama about why he doesn't "repudiate him" more. Geez, what is he supposed to do, waterboard him until he says that he is wrong and that everything that has gone on in the past on behalf of our government is just perfect? Gag me with a spoon, to use an old anachronism. Give me a break, to use another. But I already wrote about that.
But what I find of interest in the wake of the Wright media frenzy is that Obama showed that he truly is part white. And, frankly, I think it does distinguish him from "Jesse Jackson" (the, undeservedly because he was and is an historic figure) into the candidate that truly has an opportunity, whether he can do it or not, to help bridge the serious racial divide in our nation.
What I thought was most interesting was that Obama delivered the speech much as a white person would. Geez, we're so boring and starchy in our speech compared with the African Americans, but that's just how it is. But Obama, knowing that the constant repetitive playing of the videos of Wright across all the news channels, showing him in his most firey modes, but never showing him when he got quiet and sacred, to an equally intense level, which I know he did, was feeding false stereotypes of the African American culture, toned down his speech and delivered it in his white half. Gone were the shouts of "are you fired up?" Gone were the intense, voice raised, fever pitched phrases of some of his victory speeches after primary victories, including the historical victory in Iowa. He was speaking to a national audience - an audience that is a majority white and where the majority whites are in strong control. And he spoke from the white side of his brain. Interesting.
Then he made mention of the frustrations in the low income segment of white society. And, in combination with that, he had the row of U.S. flags behind him - other moves to cater to the white side of his brain. But to tell you the truth, what really impresses me is that I don't believe that it was contrived. I think the guy actually does understand white culture. And he understands black culture. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if the U.S. is comprehending the significance of this. I hope so. I still am cautious about just giving a blank check to Obama, because he is still to a large degree unknown. But he is showing that he has the steel to take the pressure and deliver, that he does have a broad understanding of some of the most challenging and fundamental problems facing our society, and that he does represent a new generation that is trying to step up and assume some responsibility. I say, let him. He can't do any worse than what is currently going on.