News Shows
I watched parts of the Chris Matthews Show, Meet the Press, This Week on ABC, and Face the Nation. Of course, they are fixated on the presidential race. And, while McCain made some news this week, the majority of the discussion was about Obama and Clinton. It was an interesting discussion.
There seemed to be a loose consensus among the Washington TV pundits that we are in uncharted waters in regard to the politics of race in U.S. Some of them thought that perhaps Obama would have long term ramifications from the Rev. Wright videos, but pretty much they all said they didn't know what was going to happen.
I can't figure out why the mainstream media, who kept playing clips of people calling Obama "Barak Hussein Obama" and reporting about emails sent around saying he was a closet Muslim, and showing photos of him in traditional African dress, and then saying that, after playing them, it was an absurd notion, hasn't jumped on the fact that maybe Obama was in a church with a preacher that crossed the line on occasion, but at least it was a Christian church! Come on guys and gals, you're missing the obvious!
But, while they all said that it wasn't a great week for Obama, they all said that Clinton had a worse week. Her week was tainted by the collapse of the possibility of revotes in Florida and Michigan - her best chance to make up the popular vote deficit, something she desperately needs to have a chance. And, papers relating to what she did as first lady were released, and they showed that she wasn't as intimately involved in certain things - or at least on the "official" level, as she had bragged about. She also appears to be more of a cheerleader for NAFTA than she had admitted. So the pundits all said that Clinton had a worse week, albeit under the radar, than Obama. Wow, that surprised me!
It did seem like the pundits are moving closer to accepting that Obama is the likely nominee for the Democrats. But, they all still are not willing to say that Clinton is out of it. But, now the "bar" has been moved for Hillary so that now she has to win not only Pennsylvania by more than 60%, but also North Carolina. If she can't do that, she will not get the nomination. That's the feeling of the pundits pretty much across networks and across the board.
The media tattled on itself though, repeatedly, in regard to McCain. McCain went to the middle east, travelling with that enviro-nut Sen. Joe Liebermann. Thank God he had Liebermann, and know it all S. Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, when he said that Iran was training Al Quaeda. Of course, Al Quaeda is a Sunni organization, and Iran is a Shiite administration. Liebermann whispers in McCain's ear, and McCain comes back and totally contradicts what he had just said. Oh so presidential!
But, for the most part, the mainstream media gives him a free ride on this. They say, and the Sunday news show pundits actually consistently supported this, that they automatically "forgave" McCain for this, because "they know" that he is a foreign policy expert. (They all said that if a Dem had made the same mistake, that the mainstream media would be playing it over and over again. Oh yeah? So you're admitting your bias? Yes, and did repeatedly today.)
Say what? If the dude is a foreign policy expert and top of things, is he going to make such a huge mistake that someone from another party has to correct him in a news conference in front of cameras? Give me a break! The guy is either uninformed or his memory is slipping because of his age. It's one of the other. And for the media to "assume" that he is a foreign policy expert because he was a POW and let him off the hook when they admit that they would crucify a Dem for the same thing is just kind of weird isn't it? To me it perfectly demostrates what the mainstream media is made of. It's made of YUCK for the most part!