More on Dems and Blago

The news media is buzzing today about reports, now becoming more and more widespread and not denied, that U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid called Rod Blagojevich 6 days before the criminal complaint against the Illinois Governor lobbying him to appoint either Lisa Madigan or Tammy Duckworth, both white, to Obama's senate seat, and lobbying against U.S. Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr., Danny Davis, and Illinois Senate president Emil Jones, all black. At least this is what the Chicago Sun Times and the AP are now reporting. 

Blagojevich is claiming that Reid is now compromised against Burrus and has a conflict of interest. Reid's spokesman had the audacity to deny it. But all I have to say is that if it is true what is in the reports, that this smacks of racism by Reid and he should resign or be replaced as the Democratic majority leader. And honestly, I don't think he's been that good. I wouldn't be that sad to see him go - with the one exception that it would probably mean that Yucca Mt. would probably be pushed through. I hate to see that kind of taxpayer subsidy to the nuclear industry, and Reid has been instrumental in stopping it thus far. 

Reid needs to back and seat Burrus. If he doesn't, he may very well find that he has bit off more than he can chew here, and his political future could be at stake.