Sunday News Shows
I want to comment about the Sen. Harry Reid interview with David Gregory on Meet the Press. I have to say that it wasn't the most stellar performance. First, Reid basically gave a green light to Israel to do whatever it wants to do in Gaza. I mean, talk about capitulation. We give gazillions of dollars to Israel and we can't even say that we hope to have some input into what they do when they take some very significant military action? It's a shirking of duty.
But on the Illinois situation front, I thought Reid was appalling. I was ready to say, "get the heck out of Illinois' business, cause you aren't capable of dealing with it." Reid's whole performance, including his brushing off of the comments that he opposed all of the African American candidates for the senate seat and pushed for white candidates, was very weak. He was unconvincing. Reid has screwed this up, and he needs to be held accountable. The first thing he could do is to seat Burrus. The second thing he could do is say that a person is innocent until proven guilty. If he can't say that, then he's as bad as a republican The next thing he could do is say that he was wrong to pre-judge Blagojevich. Blagojevich might be as guilty as one can be, but he is innocent until proven guilty. Geez, it isn't like he's from another party or something. If Reid can't do those things, he needs to resign or be removed as majority leader.
It's obvious to me that there is a lot more going on here than what is being reported. I previously have written about the split in the Democratic party in Illinois. I do not know if there is any connection of that split, however that manifests itself in the rest of the state, to what is going on now. But I feel pretty durn confident that there is other agendas going on here than just making sure that Illinois isn't run by corrupt politicians. Give me a break, to quote a former president. Come on reporters, dig. There's a lot to find out. I wish I had the time and some resources to dig into it. It has to be a great story.