sunday news shows
I just want to comment on one aspect of what I heard today. On Chris Matthews, they spent a lot of time discussing the status of the republican party, and who might be in line to (more than likely) fall on the sword against Obama in 2012.
Of course, the participants said it all depends what happens to the economy. If the economy, after Obama puts all this effort into it, does not recover, then the republicans have a chance. If the economy recovers, it will be a blow out for the Obama and the dems.
One name mentioned by more than one panelist as a potential challenger for the republicans was Newt Gingrich. Then, low and behold, shortly thereafter, he comes on as a "roundtable" member on Stephanopolous' show on ABC. And, today was a exceptionally long roundtable, taking most of the show.
Gingrich was acting like a candidate already. He was attacking Obama on everything, even things that Bush should be to blame. At one point, George Will even had to say to Gingrich that he was wrong. But I find the whole timetable, with the Matthews discussion first naming Gingrich as a potential candidate, and then his appearance on Steph, as very curious. It does make one wonder about whether or not we really have an "independent" press.