Sunday News Shows

I'm going to make this a short entry having only seen Wall Street Journal report, Chris Matthews, and Stephanopolous.

I want to comment about the discussions on Matthews and Steph about Obama making public the torture memos and then turning around and saying that he wasn't going to prosecute anyone for what is obviously actions outside of our own constitution and in violation of international law and treaties.

First, Kudos big time to Andrew Sullivan, a fairly frequent guest on Matthews. Sullivan, a strange combination of true conservative and out-of-the-closet gay, stood up to Matthews and the others in insisting that letting the people who were responsible for these crimes go was bad for our country. He went so far as to say that the techniques for torture authorized in these memos came directly from the Hitler and the Nazis, and Stalin, something that Matthews didn't want to hear. 

In fact, I was surprised at how Matthews became sort of the typical American apologist, basically saying that we couldn't possibly be as bad as those folks even when the facts show that we probably were. I was a little taken aback by how Matthews tried to shoot down Sullivan's insistence that people, including and especially people at the top, (he named Cheney specifically), be held accountable. 

On Stephanopolous, most of the roundtable panelists also agreed that Obama was doing the "right thing" in letting these criminals walk. Only Sam Donaldson said that if you have no accountability, then the law means nothing, and these crimes will be repeated. Peggy Noonan said that sometimes it's best just to "keep walking," a reference to walking away from these crimes without doing anything. 

One more time, in a flashing, glaring billboard, these folks that say it is ok to let this pass are saying to someone like me, that yes, there is a caste system in our country when it comes to justice as well as other things. The low income kid caught with a joint gets swept up in the furvor of prosecution, and for what? Wanting to get a little buzz from a natural substance? 

Yet these people, who knowingly tortured in violation of national and international law, going against the fundamental tenant of American morals, which is that people are entitled to due process and protected from cruel and unusual punishment, have struck a blow at the heart of America and blackened our eyes around the world. Yet they are likely going to skate. Whose crime is worse? The double standard is so obvious, and it is infuriating that the mainstream media, who keeps touting the ills, for example, of marijuana, keeps saying that it's ok for these big time criminals to go free. 

The last words of our "Pledge of Allegiance" goes, "with liberty, AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." It doesn't say with justice for everyone but big shots, or justice for everyone except those that the mainstream media and the big time politicians don't think need to be brought to justice. It says JUSTICE FOR ALL. A L L. There are no exceptions in all. All means all - everyone. But if we let these big time criminals go that have helped to contribute to the crushing degradation of our country in so many ways, how can those in charge look the African American teenager in the eye that is being sent to jail for having a bag of pot? It makes a mockery of our constitution, our pledge, our system.