McLaughlin Group: Buchanan and Crowley are delusional

If Pat Buchanan and Monica Crowley think that Obama is falling like water over Niagara Falls, they are delusional and show themselves for the party hacks that they are.

What these so called pundits are saying simply ignores the realities of the situation. Obama's biggest critics are coming from the furthest left and right wings of both major parties. They may grow ever so slightly as things don't respond perfectly, but the center is pretty solid, I think. It isn't going to erode nearly as fast as the bare soil on the edge. 

Any pundit that has been in DC for much time knows that Obama is doing quite well. To try and take a couple polls, worded in a way that tilts against Obama, on specific issues, and try to use that to discredit his overall popularity is absurd. 

I'm one of those from the left that isn't happy with Obama on a lot of things. He isn't moving fast enough on the most obvious environmental issues, like mountaintop removal coalmining, or requiring the government to seriously consider the impacts of it's actions on global warming. He hasn't shut down broad targeted survelliance at the National Security Agency. He's perpetuating wars in places far away. 

But all in all, Obama is a breath of fresh air compared with Bush 2. He can speak in sentences and he doesn't automatically piss you off every time he opens his mouth. 

But I think Obama has a problem with running up the debt. I don't like, and that's at a fundamental level. If letting the economy "collapse" means that people that are used to living high on the hog have to make it like most of the rest of us, what's wrong with that? Let's let it collapse! 

But Obama is still protecting the system. I guess he thinks it's ok for some people, who do a horrible job and squander billions or trillions of other people's money, to go scott free because of who they are. I don't think that. And most people don't. And Obama should understand that. To the extent that he doesn't act like he understands that, one can safely believe that he is being unduly influenced by money.