Sunday News Shows
A lot of the initial talk was on Iran and whether or not the U.S. should be taking a more visible role in supporting the anti-Ahmadinajad protesters. Most of the talking heads think Obama is doing the right thing by staying out of it.
I heard and read a number of accounts of what is going on in Iran. I can't figure out what is going on. On the one hand more than one show, including Chris Matthews and To the Contrary suggested that women under Ahmadinajad had more freedom than under Mousavi. Then they say that Iran's nuclear is going to be the same regardless of which of them are in power. Some even say that Ahmadinajad probably did win the election. Who knows what is really going on?
But what I really want to made a special comment on is Maria Bartiromo's interview on Wall Street Journal Review with Bill Frist on healthcare reform. Of course Frist is the very conservative former majority leader of the Senate from Tennessee, once seen as a potential GOP presidential candidate until he made some big political boo boos and got out of politics.
Frist was off the wall, making statements that I am sure are not true, and Bartiromo, true to her clueless republican self, went right along with them, making comments like, "good point" and such as Frist spewed the BS.
For example, Frist said that because Canada's health plan was government run, that they didn't do any research on new health treatments, and that the American public didn't want to be denied the best treatments for their sick children because of a government health plan that wouldn't offer them.
Frist, a doctor himself, is hardly an objective voice on this. Not only is he a republican political hack, but he is protecting doctor's incomes, which are outrageous in many cases.
Bartiromo is out of touch with reality. She continually seems to have no clue about what regular people with average or below incomes deal with in life. Her show, while providing a little insight into how the corporate top dogs think, is devoid of the average realities of life. How someone like Bartiromo gets into a cushy job like that, one can only guess. But she's overpaid and underworked, I can assure you that.