Where are the oil skimming ships?
Obama and everyone else is saying that everything that can be done is being done to clean up the oil in the Gulf. Oh yeah? Well, why isn't the US sparing no expense to get every damn oil skimming ship in the world to the Gulf? They can then bill BP. I heard reports weeks ago, for example, that the Dutch have the largest fleet of oil skimming ships in the world. I also heard that a huge oil leak in the Persian Gulf a couple decades ago was cleaned up with oil skimming ships. But where are they now?
Could it be that Obama and the administration sat back while BP poured dispersants into the water to make sure that the oil went all over the place and couldn't be easily identified? Of course it could. This is where I have to agree with those that say that Obama should have stepped in more forcefully and earlier. He could have shut BP down from putting those dispersants in the water, and he could have asked for every oil skimming ship in the world to be hired to come to Gulf.
But noooooooooo. We're sitting here watching this oil both destroy our south coast and disperse itself throughout the Gulf so that it is everywhere but hard to capture anywhere. It's the worst of the worst. So regretably, I have to say that Obama has fumbled this. It may be too late, but he needs to crack down and get all of the world's oil skimmers here, and he needs to absolutely stop BP from putting any more of these god awful dispersants into the water.