Republicans counting their chickens
Yesterday demonstrated why the mainstream media is going to be surprised after the elections in November. That congressman from Texas that made the infamous "shake down" comment only demonstrated what we all know deep down is true - that the republicans are the party of the gigantic corporation, and the democrats are too, only a little less so.
Obama's actions at informing the public about what is really going on with the oil leak and at holding BP accountable are marginal at best. And people aren't really happy with it. But if the public settles on the fact that things would be worse with the republicans, which is a distinct possibility because it is probably true, then people aren't going to want to go in that direction. And there aren't enough of the rabid tea partiers to carry the general elections.
Sure, we all want less taxes, less depth, and better government. But do most people deep down believe that the republicans are a reliable path there? I don't think so. And this congressman from Texas was right there to remind people just how true that is. No wonder the republican leadership abandoned him and showed him no support. It was a very suicidal moment politically.
I still stand by my prediction that the republican gains in november will be modest if any.