Sunday News Shows

The Sunday News shows were pretty good today. I thought that E.J. Dionne had one of the most important points when he said that the conservative movement for the last 40 years has been portraying the press as "liberal" and that they had been successful in that portrayal - so much so that many members of the mainstream press were terrified at being labelled "liberal." This was in the context of the Sharrod incident, as a contributing factor as to why this happened. I think that Dionne is right, and shame on those journalists for doing the wrong thing as a knee jerk reaction to avoid being labelled by people whose opinion shouldn't matter so much.

It's also interesting when Colby King and Charles Krauthamer appear together on Inside Washington, because they just don't seem to like each other and that makes interesting TV. Today they got into it over Krauthamer's attempts to downplay Fox News' involvement in the Sharrod affair. There is plenty of blame to go around, but it was very sleazy of the conservatives to try and manipulate Sharrod's words to make it seem the total opposite of what she was saying. 

McLaughlin had some interesting topics, such as whether or not people still believed in the "American Dream" and how various generations were reacting to the current economy and environment. They were interesting discussions, if not a little predictable. If, in fact, it is the "Baby Boomers" who are now fronting the Tea Party movement, that is a sad commentary on my generation - one that entered adulthood on the front lines of many progressive issues - war, race, environment, feminism. To think that our generation has sank to protecting their bloated possessions by abandoning priniciples is a hard pill to swallow. Hopefully, in the end, it isn't true, at least for most of this generation.

I was disgusted about an interview that Maria Bartiromo had with a guy, I didn't catch his name cause I just woke up listening to the end of it, but she did a disclaimer at the end of the interview saying that the guy was like financial officer or something like that in the company where her husband was CEO. He said that the one thing that could bring the economy down would be for Obama to allow the tax cuts for the rich to expire. Give me a break. What greed. The rich aren't spending or loaning anyway, so why not make them contribute more? They can afford it. Bartiromo seems so far removed from what one might call the realities of life, that she has no credibility with me as a political voice. 

Finally, what's this with the Democrats now trying to glom onto Ronald Reagan's presidential history? More than once today I heard Democratic leaning talking heads talking about how Obama's record is so similar to Reagan's. Yuck. What about a little facing reality? If Reagan is considered a great president, it's only because the press is making him that, not because he truly deserved it. Why, of all examples that the Obama folks can point to to demonstrate that things aren't going that bad for Obama, are the Dems talking about the similarities to Ronald Reagan?