KET Conway/Paul debate tonight
Bill Goodman accomplished the political equivalent of mission impossible by pulling off the KET debate between Conway and Paul tonight. And not only did he pull it off, but he did it in a way that showed class, intelligence, and impartiality. Good for you Mr. Goodman!
Who won the debate will be up to the people. I happen to think, after being at Fancy Farm, and being subject to ad after ad of both attacking each other, that both have their issues. But, I'm a low income person. I honestly don't think that Rand Paul understands my issues in day to day life. Probably Jack Conway doesn't either, but I think that he thinks it's more important to try and understand.
Paul made some good points. But he also came off as dishonest trying to distance himself from statements for which there is video showing him saying it. Oh sure, videos can be edited badly, and that's what politics is about. I happen to think that the pro-Paul ads paid for by Karl Rove in which an actor that looks a lot and sounds exactly like Obama says things that Obama would never say is over the top. So is Conway's "aquabuddah" ad. But if you listen to them together, it becomes obvious that Conway is much more in tune with the details of the current process.
If you think that being distant from the current process, and being able to cast it aside regardless of how that affects individuals, then Paul may be who you want. I still think that the average Kentuckian is more compassionate, and that Conway's words will win a majority over. We'll see, won't we?